What do you grow?

WNG grows a diverse range of Western Australian native plant species that are suitable for WA Wheatbelt domestic gardens.

Much of what we grow are genuine WA Wheatbelt species from Genres such as Melaleuca, Calothamnus, Acacia, Hakea and more.

WNG are also Eremophila specialists offering up to 70 species, subs & forms.

Our range of Wheatbelt Eucalyptus species is continually expanding too and we grow Quandongs as well as Sandalwood.

How do you grow?

WNG produces plants by cuttings or seed.

We maintain a large private collection of species specifically for cuttings production and source seed from the Wheatbelt region via licensed collection and / or private property.

What sets WNG apart from many other plant suppliers is that we do not sell our plants in round pots.

We only sell in forestry tubes ($6.00 each), super tubes ($10.00 each) or olive pots ($ variable).

Where is your nursery and what are your opening hours ?

WNG is a home-based or ‘Cottage Industry’ native plant enterprise.
Private appointments can be booked though for any day and time that suits you. We also have an open back gate on Sat’ & Sun’ 8.30am to 3.00pm during the winter months.
Email or phone for details and the address.

Where can I get WNG plants?

Place an order, then come and collect.
We really like orders here at WNG because it gives you the best chance to get real variety in your plant selection.
Please consider though, that we might need up to 6 months to put your order together as some species will take longer to grow than others.
Alternatively, book a private appointment to come and purchase our plants. Our walk-in retail section, always has plenty of variety.

And as above, you can visit our retail section any Sat’ or Sun’ during the winter months from 8.30am to 3.00pm.

Email or phone for details and the address.

Can you post plants to me ?

Unfortunately not. We may consider it in the future, but for now, all plants are to be collected from WNG HQ in Kellerberrin

Do you sell large established plants?

Let’s be clear. An established plant is one that’s already in the ground, showing good health, vigor and growth - ie, it’s established. Plants in pots are never established. There’s good evidence to show that a native plant, grown in a forestry tube, will out perform the same species grown in a round pot - If both are planted under the same conditions at the same time. With good planting technique, you will be surprised at how quickly a plant grown in a forestry tube will become established in your garden. Remember that a forestry tube trains the roots to go down into the soil profile, helping to establish a deep rooted, strong and healthy plant. Round pots train the roots to go round in circles, and often these plants will never become completely established.

Can you design and plan my garden for me ?

WNG is a grower and supplier of native plant species.
We do not offer landscape design services, but can put you in touch with at least one Wheatbelt business offering such services.

My garden is a mess, the weeds are out of control and everything needs pruned - can you help me ?

WNG is a grower and supplier of native plant species.
We do not offer general gardening services.

In time, we hope to form business relationships with such service providers for the benefit of both operations.